0513. Reputation Settings

Written By Lu Benavides (Collaborator)

Updated at August 24th, 2024

The Reputation tab is where you manage your reviews improving your relationship with your contacts, and the Review settings allow you to personalize and brand the review requests messages and automated responses.

📌Note: Depending on your user permissions, you may not have access to all of the components.

Review AI

This allows you to control the Reviews AI behavior and parameters.

AI Response Behavior

In this section, you can manage or disable the AI aid for your automated responses.


This is where you select the source of the reviews to respond.

Auto Responses

This is where to configure the settings for the Automated responses including which reviews to respond to, the time for the responses, and the footer to include.

SMS Review Requests

In the SMS Review Requests section, users can modify their review request SMS to better align with their company's messaging. To activate custom SMS messages, users can toggle the switch.

Preview SMS Changes

Users can view real-time previews of any changes made to the SMS in the Preview SMS Changes section.

Add SMS Image

If you'd like to use an image in your SMS, you can turn on that feature here. When you are ready to add the image to your SMS, click this button to upload it.

SMS sent to User

This is the body of the SMS message. To customize, simply start typing!

Review Request Behavior

The behavior of review requests can be customized based on user preference. Users can choose between sending review requests instantly and just once or scheduling them based on their needs.

Email Review Requests

In the Email Review Requests section, users can modify their review request SMS to better align with their company's messaging. To activate custom email, users can toggle the switch.

Email Subject

Customize the subject of your review request email to grab your customer's attention in their email inbox!

When to send Email after check-in?

Choose when to send this SMS/Email after your customer "checks in". You have a few pre-defined options, you can either send the message immediately, in the listed hours or you can choose "custom" to set your timeframe.

Until clicked, repeat this every

Maximum Retries

You can also assign a maximum number of retries so the system does not continuously send this email forever.

Open Email Builder

This will redirect you to the email builder you are used to, that way you can easily design your review email to fit your brand.


Reviews QR

This section allows you to create QR to handle your reviews designed to simplify, streamline, and grow your reviews and online presence.

QR Managing

By clicking on the three dots icon you can access the options for that QR code such as editing, deleting, or downloading the QR code as a PDF file.

Creating a QR Code

By clicking on +Create QR Code you can create and personalize the QR code you use for your reviews.

The QR code builder allows you to add text, images, and branding to your Review QR code.
