Ad Manager Overview

Written By Laudonia (Collaborator)

Updated at August 26th, 2024

Creating effective ad campaigns that generate leads and increase website traffic is crucial for business growth. With the Ad Manager, you can effortlessly create, manage, and optimize Facebook Ads to reach your target audience. This powerful tool provides a simple three-step setup, enabling you to launch campaigns that align with your business objectives. This article will guide you through the prerequisites, setup process, and optimization strategies for using Ad Manager.

Connecting Facebook Pages

To start with Ad Manager, you must first connect your Facebook pages within the Marketing > Ad Manager section. Ad Manager supports the connection of several Facebook pages, allowing for comprehensive campaign management.

Creating and Managing Your Campaign

Ad Manager simplifies the ad creation process with three straightforward steps:

Step 1: Choose the Objective, Placement, and Content

  • Objective: The first step in building a Facebook Ads campaign is selecting a goal that aligns with your business or brand objectives. Whether your goal is lead generation or website traffic, Ad Manager provides the tools to achieve it. For lead generation, you can integrate Facebook forms, either creating new ones or utilizing existing forms. If your objective is website traffic, you can drive visitors directly to your landing page.

📌 Note: Special considerations apply for campaigns related to employment, housing, credit, politics, and online gaming or gambling.

  • Placement: Placements determine where your ads will appear. You can opt for automatic placements, which maximize results across default placements based on your budget, or manual placements, where you select the specific locations for your ads, ensuring brand safety and optimization.
  • Content: Ad Manager allows you to craft compelling ads by adding primary text (recommended 125 characters), a headline (recommended 40 characters), a description (recommended 25 characters), and rich media like images (up to 30MB) or videos (up to 1GB).

Click the Next button to proceed to step 2.

Step 2: Budget, Geography, and Optional Settings

  • Monthly Budget: Set a monthly budget for your campaign, functioning as a subscription. The budget is divided daily, with average views displayed. You can adjust the budget as needed by renewing the subscription.

📌 Note: For the first month, there is a $3,500 limit per account for ad campaigns, which will gradually increase each month.

  • Geography: Tailor your campaign to specific locations or exclude certain areas within a country or state.
  • Optional Settings: Further refine your campaign with specific options for interest, gender, language, and age group.

Click the next button to proceed to step 3.

Step 3: Review and Publish

After configuring your campaign, review all details, including aesthetics, media, content, budget, and other options. Once satisfied, click publish, add your payment details, and start the monthly subscription.

Analyzing Performance on the Campaign Dashboard

Once your campaign is live, you can monitor its performance on the Campaign Dashboard. Key metrics such as Cost per Click (CPC), impressions, and ad spend are displayed. 

Ad Campaign Optimization

Ad Manager also offers tools for optimizing your campaigns. You can create new conversion pixels through Ad Manager > Settings > Conversions. This feature allows you to track and optimize conversions based on funnel or lead events. Additionally, you can set up workflow automation to enhance conversions for form submissions, chat widgets, and other activities. To ensure data is sent successfully to Facebook for conversion tracking, include the fbclid parameter in your URL.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can effectively set up, monitor, and optimize your ad campaigns, driving better results and higher conversions. Whether you're looking to generate leads or increase website traffic, Ad Manager provides the tools you need to succeed.