Ad Manager Settings

Written By Laudonia (Collaborator)

Updated at September 4th, 2024

The Ad Manager settings section consists of three primary tabs: 'Integrations,' 'Pages,' and 'Conversions.' Each tab serves a distinct purpose, offering essential tools and information for managing your ad campaigns. It is important to note that these settings remain consistent across all accounts, except the Integrations tab, which is not available in the Default Ad Manager, as this does not require an ad account connection. In this article, we will explore the critical importance of Ad Manager settings and the various operations you can perform within this section. Understanding these settings is essential for effectively managing your ad campaigns and ensuring optimal performance.

Accessing Ad Manager Settings

To access the Ad Manager settings, simply click the settings icon on the Ad Manager home page, as highlighted in the screenshot below.

Integrations Tab

The Integrations tab displays the details of the Meta Ad account connected during the initial Facebook Ad Manager integration. Currently, Ad Manager supports the integration of a single Meta Ad account. However, future updates will allow for the addition of multiple ad accounts.

Users have the option to remove the connected ad account by clicking the delete button. If a user chooses to delete the account, a confirmation prompt will appear, and all campaigns in Ad Manager will no longer be visible. 

After deleting the ad account, users will be redirected to the onboarding page to connect a new ad account.

📌 Note: If the same ad account is reconnected to Ad Manager, all previously connected campaigns and pages will be restored, and no data will be lost.

Pages Tab

The Pages tab displays a list of all Facebook pages connected to Ad Manager. Users can add or delete pages by clicking the "Connect Facebook page(s)" or the delete button, respectively. 

To connect a new page to Ad Manager, click the "Connect Facebook page(s)" button. A modal will open, displaying a list of Facebook pages associated with the connected Business Manager, allowing users to select the desired page.

When deleting a connected Facebook page, users will be prompted with a confirmation that the action cannot be undone. Once confirmed, the selected page will be unlinked from Ad Manager, and no future ads can be published on that page through Ad Manager. However, previously published ads will remain on Facebook but cannot be managed by Ad Manager.

📌Note: If a delinked Facebook page is reconnected to Ad Manager, all previously created campaigns on that page will be visible again in the campaign details section.

Conversions Tab

The Conversions tab lists all the pixels imported from the connected Meta Ad account, along with those created in Ad Manager using the "Create new conversion pixel" button.

Clicking the "Create new conversion pixel" button opens a dialog where users can name the pixel. The pixel ID and code are automatically generated for easy use when creating workflows to send CAPI events back to Facebook.

📌Note: Currently, only one pixel can be created using Ad Manager. This pixel can be used for both Lead and Funnel events without any restrictions from Facebook.

Understanding and utilizing these settings will empower you to optimize your ad management processes and achieve better results. Whether you are connecting ad accounts, managing Facebook pages, or creating conversion pixels, the Ad Manager settings provide the necessary controls to ensure your campaigns run smoothly and efficiently. As you continue to explore and utilize these features, you'll be well-equipped to manage and grow your advertising efforts.