Adding A New Academy Category

Written By Steph Blair (Administrator)

Updated at July 8th, 2024

Welcome to the Academy Courses section of Support OS, your gateway to a rich collection of white-labeled onboarding courses and lessons tailored for both you and your customers.



Category Navigation: Effortlessly navigates diverse lessons by exploring specific interest categories, making knowledge acquisition intuitive and efficient.

Default Status: Set the default lessons status to streamline management and maintain organization within the Academy.

Sub-Category Addition: Effortlessly add new Sub-categories, including default status settings, to tailor content access to user preferences.




  • Lesson Management: Exercise control over individual lessons by toggling their visibility and fine-tuning lesson content to resonate with your brand identity and messaging.
  • Caution on Deletion: Before deleting a lesson, disable the original to avoid duplication. Remember, deleted lessons cannot be recovered, so exercise due diligence.
  • Lesson Creation: Empower your knowledge base with new lessons and subcategories, including creating subcategories for streamlined organization and accessibility. 
  • Easy Access: Integrate custom menu links from external sources to facilitate seamless access to your Academy lessons. Tailor these links based on user categories for a personalized user experience.


Management Features:

  • Enable/Disabling Lessons: Effortlessly control lesson & sub-category visibility to ensure that users only access relevant content that aligns with their needs.
  • Rearranging Lessons: Optimize the user experience by rearranging lessons to prioritize essential information and enhance user engagement.