Blog Builder Overview

Written By Laudonia (Collaborator)

Updated at August 22nd, 2024

Managing and navigating your blog posts efficiently is essential for maintaining an organized and up-to-date blog site. This article provides a detailed guide on accessing your blog list, creating and editing blog posts, utilizing search and filter functions, and managing blog settings. Follow these steps to streamline your blog management process and ensure your content remains relevant and accessible.

Accessing the Blog List

Once you have created a new Blog, you can access the Blog list by selecting the name of the Blog page from the main Blogs screen or by clicking the back arrow on the upper left-hand corner within the Blog Builder. 

Blog List Details

  1. Blog Post: A list of all the titles of your blogs.
  2. Last Updated: The date the blog was last saved.
  3. Updated By: The user who made the last changes to the blog. 
  4. Category: If the blog has been categorized, the category will be displayed here. 
  5. Status: Indicates whether the blog is drafted, published, or scheduled.

Editing a Site

Select this option to open the site hosting your blog posts in the current tab. Alternatively, clicking the arrow provides the option to also open the page in a new tab.

Create a new Post 

Create a new blog post within this blog site by selecting this option.

By clicking on the three dots icon next to “+ New Post” you can set the canonical links for your blog, its categories, and author.

  After clicking on Canonical Links a pop-up window will show for you to set each canonical link, once you do so click Save to keep the changes.

This will give your Blog a boost when it comes to search engine results improving your SEO and overall website performance.


Easily locate your blog posts by using the search bar.

Actions Dropdown 

Within the three-dot actions dropdown, you can preview the blog site or access the blog settings. The Settings option allows you to adjust the blog title, domain and slug, meta description, and advanced settings.


Display blogs based on their status by applying a filter.