Managing your Community's Gamification ensures your members have a sense of purpose and encourages them to participate more in your groups. So let's check how to automate this process with the new trigger.
Getting Started
Navigate to the Workflows tab inside the Automation section and create a new Workflow.
Click +Add New Trigger and select Community Group Member Leaderboard Level Changed.
In Filters select the Group this automation will be for or the Groups you'd like to exclude, this filter is obligatory.
You can add any additional filters you want. For this trigger, you can filter contacts based on their Leaderboard Level.
Click Save Trigger then click Save at the top right corner to set your trigger.
And there you have it! You can set the rest of your workflow as normal and use this trigger to easily manage group members for their progress and grant access to rewards, special promotions, and more, keeping them motivated and interested.