Cookie Consent in Funnel/Website Builder

Written By Laudonia (Collaborator)

Updated at July 25th, 2024

The cookie consent tool provides a crucial mechanism for securing user consent prior to the collection of any personal data, thereby facilitating adherence to data protection regulations. This feature is designed to streamline the compliance process by presenting users with clear options to accept or manage their cookie preferences before any data collection occurs.

By incorporating this tool, you not only ensure that your website or funnel meets legal requirements but also improve the overall user experience. Users are given transparency and control over their personal information, which fosters trust and enhances their interaction with your platform. This proactive approach to data privacy supports regulatory compliance while simultaneously creating a more respectful and user-friendly environment.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Effortless Implementation: Easily integrate cookie consent across your entire website or funnel, providing a seamless user experience.
  • Customizable Settings: Tailor cookie consent settings to meet specific business requirements, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.
  • Personalization: Customize cookie categories and the look and feel of the consent banner to align with your branding.
  • Access the funnel or website builder interface.
  • Click the cookie icon located in the action header bar.


  • Toggle the switch on the cookie consent sidebar on the right.


  • Review and accept the Terms and Conditions, then click "Agree."


Customize the Banner

  • Personalize the appearance of the cookie consent banner to match your funnel or website’s branding.


Save or Publish

  • Finalize your changes by saving and/or publishing the updated settings.


If you plan to use marketing tools such as:

  • Facebook Pixel
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Tag Manager

📌Note: Other marketing tools or third-party codes are not supported directly and must be whitelisted in the advanced settings of the cookie banner. The responsibility for adding these tools to the cookie policy and obtaining user consent rests with the owner of the funnel or website.

By following the steps outlined above, you can easily implement and customize this feature to meet your business needs while enhancing the user experience. Start using this tool today to maintain transparency and build trust with your audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I know if my cookie consent banner is set up correctly? 

  • Verify that the banner appears on your site or funnel and that it includes options for users to accept or manage cookie settings.

Q: Can I customize the cookie categories displayed on the banner? 

  • Yes, you can customize the cookie categories and settings to align with your specific business needs.

Q: What should I do if I encounter issues with the cookie consent banner not appearing? 

  • Ensure that the feature is activated in the builder interface and that all customization settings are correctly applied. If problems persist, check for conflicts with other scripts or contact support.

Troubleshooting Tips

Issue: The cookie consent banner does not display.

  • Solution: Confirm that you have activated the feature and that the banner is not being blocked by browser extensions or security settings.

Issue: Customization options not applying.

  • Solution: Ensure you have saved or published your changes after customizing the banner. Clear your browser cache and refresh the page to see the updates.