Welcome to the News Announcements feature in your Support OS. Let's learn about it and how you can control it from the backend.
News announcements cover all the feature releases that High Level provides. Articles are uploaded into the app for customers to stay informed, encouraging engagement and long-term use.
To create news, press "Create News" and give it a title and expiration date if needed. Choose a placement—in-line or as a pop-up overlay. Add a description and upload a cover image. Write content, including headlines, text, embeds, photos, and tables—once done, press save.
- Providing a title and expiration date.
- Selecting placement (home overlay or home inline).
- Adding a description and cover image.
- Writing content, including headlines, text, embeds (videos, images), custom code, tables, and lists.
- Saving the announcement.

You can customize news content as needed. Videos, titles, and basic information suffice. Press save when ready.
This is how you can add and manage news announcements. Thank you for watching.