From waivers to terms of service and more, Documents and Contracts keep the expectations and boundaries between you and your clients clear and accessible. Since they help define the expectations and obligations on both sides you want to guarantee everyone involved reads it.
By customizing your subject line for the emails sent with your Documents/Contracts you increase the chances of it being read. It also helps you control the information you're relaying and make light of its importance.
Personalizing the Subject
To start go to the Documents & Contracts tab inside of your Payments section. Make sure you have the All Documents & Contracts view and access the settings
Inside Settings, you can edit the subject for the emails depending on who will be receiving them.
These will be the notifications to your clients. The first Notification is obligatory, the system uses it to send out the Document/Contract. The second one will be sent out after the recipient(s) have signed, this one is optional so if you'd like you can toggle it off.
Team Members
These notifications will be internal so for you and your team. It will be fully optional since it is only sent out when the Document/Contract has been signed and it can be toggled off.
Once you've selected the correct notification click Email Subject at the bottom. Here you can overwrite the subject as normal, it will be used every time the notification is sent out even if you use a template with a preset Subject line.
When you're happy with your Subject line, click Save and you're done.
That's all there is to it, you can now ensure every recipient reads your emails when you send them a Document or Contract!