How It Works: B-005. Payment Automations

This module automates various aspects of the payment process, including sending invoices, handling payments, managing checkouts, and dealing with abandoned carts. It ensures that customers are reminded to pay invoices, facilitates checkout processes, and follows up on incomplete transactions to maximize sales.

Written By Steph Blair (Administrator)

Updated at July 8th, 2024

B-005. Payment Automations

This module automates various aspects of the payment process, including sending invoices, handling payments, managing checkouts, and dealing with abandoned carts. It ensures that customers are reminded to pay invoices, facilitates checkout processes, and follows up on incomplete transactions to maximize sales.



How It Works: Surface Level

When the automation fires:

  • Invoices are sent and reminders are triggered to ensure timely payments.
  • Payments are processed through a checkout funnel, with follow-ups for abandoned carts.
  • Responses and statuses are managed through a centralized tag routing workflow.


Detailed Workflow Steps

Invoice Sent Workflow (B-005-WF1.1):

  • Trigger: Manually initiated when an invoice is sent to a customer.
  • Actions:
    • Sends reminders to pay the invoice.
    • Adds the "Invoice Sent" tag to the contact.
  • Integration: Tags are collected in a tag routing workflow to update statuses and manage further actions.

Invoice Paid Workflow:

  • Trigger: Activated when an invoice is paid.
  • Actions:
    • Sends notifications confirming the payment.
    • Adds the "Invoice Paid" tag to the contact.

Checkout Process:

  • Trigger: Initiated when a customer interacts with the checkout page.
  • Actions:
    • Collects personal information and processes payments.
    • Handles opt-ins without purchases, triggering follow-up workflows.
  • Integration: Uses a two-step order form and customizes content based on customer interaction.

Checkout Success Workflow (B-005-WF3.1):

  • Trigger: Activated when a purchase is completed.
  • Actions:
    • Sends a thank-you message.
    • Adds the "Sold" tag to the contact.
    • Directs customers to a thank-you page.

Abandoned Cart Workflow (B-005-WF4.1):

  • Trigger: Activated when a customer provides personal information but does not complete the purchase.
  • Actions:
    • Sends follow-up messages to encourage completion of the purchase.
    • Adds the "Abandoned Cart Pending" tag to the contact.
    • Re-engages customers to return and complete the checkout.

Tag Routing Workflow:

  • Purpose: Centralizes the management of tags used within the B005 module.
  • Actions:
    • Aggregates tags like "Invoice Sent," "Invoice Paid," "Sold," "Abandoned Cart Pending," and "Abandoned Cart Success."
    • Adds system notes and updates pipeline stages based on tag actions.
    • Manages the mapping between workflows and pipeline stages, allowing customization for different systems.


MIRO Board: Visual Breakdown



How It Works: Deep & Technical Level

Setup and Navigation

  • Legend Explanation:
    • White Items: Automated system actions.
    • Green Items: Actions required by account admins or managers.
    • Purple Items: Actions involving account customers.
    • Links: Variable links (dotted lines) indicate optional paths, while fixed links (solid lines) indicate definite paths.
  • System Entry Points: Identify key actions like invoice sending, checkout, and payment processes.


Invoice Sent Workflow (B-005-WF1.1)

  • Trigger: Manual action when an invoice is sent.
  • Actions:
    • Sends reminders for invoice payment.
    • Adds "Invoice Sent" tag.
  • Routing: Tags go to a routing workflow for further management.


Invoice Paid Workflow

  • Trigger: Payment receipt.
  • Actions:
    • Sends payment confirmation notifications.
    • Adds "Invoice Paid" tag.


Checkout Process

  • Trigger: Customer interaction with the checkout page.
  • Actions:
    • Collects personal and payment information.
    • Handles partial interactions (opt-ins without payment) and directs follow-ups.
  • Funnel Integration: Utilizes a two-step order form, customizable content, and logo integration.


Checkout Success Workflow (B-005-WF3.1)

  • Trigger: Successful purchase.
  • Actions:
    • Adds "Sold" tag.
    • Directs to thank-you page.
  • Customization: Customizable thank-you page and follow-up content.


Abandoned Cart Workflow (B-005-WF4.1)

  • Trigger: Incomplete purchase after personal information is provided.
  • Actions:
    • Adds "Abandoned Cart Pending" tag.
    • Sends follow-up messages.
  • Re-engagement: Encourages customers to return and complete their purchase.


Tag Routing Workflow

  • Purpose: Manages and integrates tags across workflows.
  • Actions:
    • Aggregates tags and updates pipeline stages.
    • Adds system notes and manages workflow mappings.
    • Customizes tag actions to fit different systems and modules.


By understanding these workflow steps and technical details, you can effectively use the Payment Automations module to streamline your payment processes, manage customer interactions, and ensure efficient handling of invoices and payments.