How It Works: B-007. Calendar Automations

This module automates the scheduling, confirmation, and follow-up process for appointments. It manages different types of calendars, handles appointment reminders, and tracks the status of appointments to ensure smooth and efficient booking and follow-up.

Written By Steph Blair (Administrator)

Updated at July 8th, 2024

B-007. Calendar Automations

This module automates the scheduling, confirmation, and follow-up process for appointments. It manages different types of calendars, handles appointment reminders, and tracks the status of appointments to ensure smooth and efficient booking and follow-up.



How It Works: Surface Level

When the automation fires:

  • It manages the booking of appointments through various types of calendars.
  • Sends reminders to both the customer and internal team members about upcoming appointments.
  • Automates calls to connect the business with the customer.
  • Tracks the status of the appointment (e.g., completed, no-show) and sends appropriate follow-up messages.
  • Integrates with other systems to manage pipeline stages based on appointment outcomes.


Detailed Workflow Steps

Customer Books an Appointment:

  • Trigger fires upon form submission from the booking form.
  • The system identifies which calendar was used and initiates the appropriate workflow.

Types of Calendars and Their Workflows:

  • User Calendars: For individual team members.
  • General Schedule Call (B007-WF-3.1): Adds Status Confirmed tag and sends reminders.
  • Quick Meetings (B007-WF-4.1): Adds Status Confirmed tag and sends reminders.
  • Team Calendars (B007-WF-5.1): Adds Status Confirmed tag and sends reminders.

Automated Call Handling:

  • Trigger fires two minutes before the appointment.
  • System makes an automated call to connect the business team with the lead.
  • Logs call status (complete or incomplete) and triggers the appropriate call status workflow.

Call Status Workflows:

  • Trigger fires based on call status.
  • Adds relevant tags (Attempted to Contact, Unable to Contact, Contacted Lead).
  • Sends internal notifications to update appointment status.
  • Workflows include:
    • General Schedule Call Status (B007-WF-3.2)
    • Quick Meetings Call Status (B007-WF-4.2)
    • Team Calendars Call Status (B007-WF-5.2)

Appointment Status Update:

  • Trigger fires upon status update form submission.
  • Updates appointment status (e.g., showed, no-show, sold).
  • Sends thank you or conversation recap messages based on selected options.
  • Form Fields: Include lead value, internal notes, conversation recap notes, appointment status, follow-up date.

Follow-Up Workflow:

  • Trigger fires when a follow-up date is added.
  • Adds follow-up tag and sends internal reminders.
  • Workflow: Follow-Up Date Added (B007-WF-2.1)

Tag Router Workflow:

  • Centralizes the management of tags and integrates with other systems.
  • Maps tags to pipeline stages and cleans up tags and workflows.
  • Workflow: Calendar Automation Tag Router (B007-WF-1.1)


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How It Works: Deep & Technical Level

Customer Books an Appointment

  • Trigger: Customer submits a booking form.
  • Actions:
    • The system identifies which calendar was used for the booking (e.g., user-specific calendars, general schedule call, or quick meetings).
    • Initiates the appropriate workflow based on the calendar type.


Types of Calendars and Their Workflows

  • User Calendars: Assigned to individual team members (User 1, User 2, User 3).
  • General Schedule Call: Used for general appointment bookings.
  • Quick Meetings: 15-minute quick call appointments.
  • Workflows:
    • General Schedule Call (B007-WF-3.1):
      • Adds a Status Confirmed tag.
      • Sends reminders to the customer and internal team members.
    • Quick Meetings (B007-WF-4.1):
      • Adds a Status Confirmed tag.
      • Sends reminders for the quick call.
    • Team Calendars (B007-WF-5.1):
      • Adds a Status Confirmed tag.
      • Sends reminders for team member appointments.


Automated Call Handling

  • Trigger: Two minutes before the appointment.
  • Actions:
    • The system makes an automated call to connect the business team with the lead.
    • Decision Points:
      • If the call is not completed, the system logs it and attempts a follow-up.
      • If the call is completed, the system logs the successful contact.


Call Status Workflows

  • Triggers: Call status (complete or incomplete).
  • Actions:
    • Adds tags (Attempted to Contact, Unable to Contact, Contacted Lead).
    • Sends internal notifications to update the status of the appointment.
    • Workflows:
      • General Schedule Call Status (B007-WF-3.2)
      • Quick Meetings Call Status (B007-WF-4.2)
      • Team Calendars Call Status (B007-WF-5.2)

Appointment Status Update

  • Trigger: Status update form submission.
  • Actions:
    • Updates the status of the appointment (e.g., showed, no-show, sold, not interested).
    • Sends a thank you or conversation recap message based on the selected options.
  • Form Fields:
    • Lead value (if a sale occurred).
    • Internal notes (for internal reference).
    • Conversation recap notes (if sending a recap to the customer).
    • Appointment status (e.g., showed, no-show, sold).
    • Follow-up date (if further follow-up is needed).


Follow-Up Workflow

  • Trigger: Follow-up date added on the status update form.
  • Actions:
    • Adds a follow-up tag.
    • Sends internal reminders to follow up with the contact.
    • Workflow: Follow-Up Date Added (B007-WF-2.1)


Tag Router Workflow

  • Purpose: Manages the integration and cleanup of tags within the module.
  • Actions:
    • Aggregates tags (e.g., cancel appointment, no-show, not a good fit).
    • Maps tags to pipeline stages.
    • Cleans up tags and workflows to ensure accurate status tracking.
  • Workflow: Calendar Automation Tag Router (B007-WF-1.1)


By understanding these workflow steps and technical details, you can effectively use the Calendar Automations module to manage appointment scheduling, reminders, and follow-ups, ensuring seamless integration with other systems and accurate status tracking.