How to Create a Task

Written By Laudonia (Collaborator)

Updated at January 26th, 2025

Creating tasks is a vital part of managing projects and ensuring that daily operations run smoothly. By carefully structuring tasks with clear titles, descriptions, and deadlines, you can improve organization, accountability, and overall efficiency within your team. This guide will walk you through the essential elements of creating a new task, ensuring that each task is assigned, tracked, and completed effectively.

Head to the Tasks tab within Contacts to get started then proceed to click the button to add a new task.

In the popup modal, you will find fields for task title, description, assignee, associated contact, and due date. These elements help you manage tasks effectively, ensuring they are organized and completed on time.


When creating a task, it’s crucial to assign a clear, descriptive title. A well-named task allows for easy identification and retrieval later.


Providing a task description is optional but is recommended to offer context and guidance to the assignee. This ensures tasks are executed efficiently.

Due Date

Assigning a due date is essential for every task. It helps your team members understand the timeline and urgency, ensuring tasks are completed on time.

Recurring Tasks

Activate the Recurring Tasks feature to automate the creation of tasks that repeat at designated intervals, eliminating the need to manually recreate similar tasks. 

In the "Repeats Every" field, define the recurrence frequency (e.g., every day, every two weeks, or monthly).

Specify the end date for the recurring tasks.


Linked the task to a specific contact, if required. Associating tasks with contacts helps in effectively managing client or customer relationships.


Optionally, assign tasks to specific team members to enhance organization and efficiency. It ensures each team member is aware of their responsibilities.

Save or Cancel New Task

After creating a task, you can either “save”, "save and add another" or “cancel” it. Saving adds the task to your list and associates it with the relevant contact, saving and adding another allows you to create a new task immediately while canceling will discard it.

By following these steps, you will enhance task management and maintain smooth communication across your team.