How to Create a WhatsApp Template

Written By Laudonia (Collaborator)

Updated at September 19th, 2024

Creating and managing WhatsApp templates is crucial to enhancing communication and engagement with your customers. This guide provides a detailed walkthrough for setting up both standard and interactive WhatsApp templates, including features like media support and customizable call-to-action buttons. By following these steps, you can ensure that your templates are efficiently created, approved by Meta, and effectively utilized for various marketing and utility purposes.

Creating a WhatsApp Template

Access Template Creation

Navigate to Settings > WhatsApp > Templates and click on Create Template.

Adding Media to Your Templates

WhatsApp supports Media Templates, allowing the inclusion of various media types such as images, videos, documents, and locations.

Enter Template Details

A new section will appear where you need to provide the Template Name, Category, Language, and Header information.

  • Template Name: Use lowercase characters or underscores for the template name.
  • Category: Choose between the Marketing and Utility categories, most templates will be under the Marketing category.
  • Language: Select the desired language from the available options.
  • Header (Optional): You can add a static or variable header, with only one custom variable allowed.

📌Note: Only select the option Utility for your template if you want it to be sent when triggered by contacts and it will include specific details about the interaction to which they relate. For example, an order confirmation must contain an order number.

  • Body: Compose the message to be sent to the customer, including multiple custom variables if necessary by clicking on Add Variable.
  • Footer (Optional): Add a static footer if needed. Note that you must provide sample values for all custom variables, as Meta requires examples when submitting the template.

Verify and Create the Template

Review the template message in the preview dialogue and click Create.

Submit for Approval

Submit the template to Meta for approval and monitor its status in the Template Tab.

Template Statuses:

  • Pending: The template has been submitted and is awaiting Meta's approval.
  • Approved: The template is verified and ready for use.
  • Rejected: The template was rejected by Meta, requiring resubmission. 

Setting Up an Interactive WhatsApp Template

When creating a new template, select from a variety of CTA buttons such as Quick Reply, Visit Website, Personalized Website Link, Call Phone Number, Copy Offer Code, or Marketing Opt-Out.

  • Quick Replies: Enable users to respond quickly with predefined options, enhancing engagement without requiring typing.
  • Marketing Opt-Out: Provide an option for users to opt out of marketing messages, ensuring compliance and building trust.
  • Visit Website: Direct users to your website with a single click, boosting traffic and conversion rates.
  • Personalized Website Links: Create dynamic links for each customer, offering a personalized experience. Only one variable can be added to the end of a URL.
  • Call Phone Number: Allow users to call a specified number directly from the message for immediate communication.
  • Copy Offer Code: Make it easy for users to copy promotional codes or offer details.

Navigate to Marketing > Trigger Links > Add Link.

Go to Settings > WhatsApp > Templates > Create Template > Body and add the variable for the Trigger Link.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do we add custom variables in the Header and Body of a Template?

  • Step 1: Click on the add variable option under the template Header or Body.
  • Step 2: Select the custom variable (e.g., contact name) and provide a sample text (e.g., John Doe).

Q: Can I add a header to my template? 

  • Yes, you can add a static or variable header, but only one custom variable is allowed.

Q: What details do I need to provide in the Body and Footer of the template? 

  • In the Body, compose the message to be sent to the customer, including multiple custom variables if necessary. The Footer is optional and can be static.

Q: What are the steps to verify and create a template? 

  • Review the template message in the preview dialogue and click Create.

Q: What types of call-to-action (CTA) buttons can I add to an interactive template? 

  • You can add Quick Reply, Visit Website, Personalized Website Link, Call Phone Number, Copy Offer Code, or Marketing Opt-Out buttons.

Q: What is the purpose of Quick Reply buttons? 

  • Quick Replies enable users to respond quickly with predefined options, enhancing engagement without requiring typing.

Q: How can I provide a personalized experience with my CTA buttons? 

  • Use Personalized Website Links to create dynamic links for each customer, offering a tailored experience. Only one variable can be added to the end of a URL.

Q: What is the benefit of adding a Marketing Opt-Out button?

  • It allows users to opt out of marketing messages, ensuring compliance with regulations and building user trust.