Manage Your Course Comments

Written By Laudonia (Collaborator)

Updated at August 9th, 2024

Effectively managing membership comments is crucial for maintaining an engaging and orderly online learning environment. In this article, we will guide you through the processes of enabling, hiding, and locking comments for your lessons within different product categories. Additionally, we will explore how to manage comment visibility and the steps to delete or restore comments. This guide will help you maintain a controlled and interactive commenting system for your courses.

Comment Features Explained

  • Enabled: An enabled comment box will be visible on the page, displaying existing comments and allowing students to add new comments.
  • Hidden: A comment box will not be visible on the page, and existing comments will not be shown.
  • Locked: A locked comment box will remove the ability for students to add new comments, but existing comments will still be visible.

How to Enable, Hide, and Lock Comments

  1. Open the Products tab.
  2. Select an existing product or create a new one.


3. Click on the Comments section.


4. To enable comments for all lessons within a category, choose the appropriate option from the dropdown menu for each category to enable, hide, or lock comments.


To enable comments for selected lessons within a category, select the specific lessons within the category where you would like to enable, hide, or lock comments.


Comment Visibility

  • Instructor Only: The comment will be visible only to the course creator.
  • Public: The comment will be visible to all students and the course creator.
  • Both (User Selection): The user can select the visibility when commenting.


Managing Comments for All Products

Access the Comments Manager for your products in the Products tab.

Here, you can view all comments that have been posted or deleted across all products or specific lessons.


Deleting and Restoring Comments

Deleting a Comment

From the Comments Manager, find and select the comment you wish to delete, then Click Delete.


Restoring a Deleted Comment

  1. Click the Deleted tab.
  2. Find the comment you wish to restore. Click Restore.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I enable comments for individual lessons instead of an entire category?

  • Yes, you can enable comments for specific lessons within a category through the Comments section in the Products tab.

What happens to existing comments when I hide the comment box? 

  • When you hide the comment box, existing comments will not be visible on the page.

Can students still view existing comments if the comment box is locked? 

  • Yes, students can view existing comments even if the comment box is locked, but they will not be able to add new comments.

Troubleshooting Tips

Comments Not Visible: Ensure that comments are not set to hidden and check the visibility settings (User Only vs. Public).

Unable to Restore Deleted Comments: Verify that you are in the Deleted tab within the Manage Comments section.

Comment Visibility Issues: Double-check the visibility settings for each comment and ensure the appropriate option is selected in the dropdown menu.

By following this guide, you can effectively manage comments on your membership site, fostering a more organized and engaging learning environment.