Opportunity Status Changed Trigger

Written By Amiso Pius (Collaborator)

Updated at December 27th, 2024

The Opportunity status change trigger is activated only when an opportunity's status changes in the Opportunities CRM section, moving from one status to another. This trigger will not be activated unless the opportunity card status changes.

Adding the Opportunity Status Changed Trigger

To get started, click on “Add New Trigger”, then search and select “Opportunity Status Changed”.

All Filters

You can filter your trigger by clicking Add Filters and selecting all filters; they are all required.

Assigned To

The "Assigned To" filter allows you to trigger the assignment of a Contact to a User based on a condition of your choice. Simply select a team member from the dropdown to select the Assigned To.

Has Tag

In the filter options, choosing "Has tag" will trigger the workflow when an opportunity card with a specific tag moves from one status to another. For instance, this filter will only activate the workflow when an opportunity card with a First Appointment tag moves from the open status to the won status.

In Pipeline

Selecting the In Pipeline filter will activate the workflow only when an opportunity card in a specific pipeline moves from one status to another. For instance, if an opportunity card in the Appointment pipeline moves from open to abandon status, this filter will trigger the workflow.

Lead Value

Choose the Lead value, set an Operator, and then add the lead value in numbers.

Lost Reason

Track opportunities lost for specific reasons by using this filter to activate workflows when an opportunity is marked as lost with a defined cause.

Moved From Status

When an opportunity card moves from one status to another, the Move from status filter allows users to trigger a workflow. For example, if the opportunity card moves from open to abandoned, lost, or won, this will activate the workflow.

Moved To Status

Similarly, if the opportunity card moves to won from either abandon, lost, or open, this will trigger the workflow defined by the Move to status filter.

Pipeline Stage

To further narrow the criteria, the Pipeline Stage filter can be used. This option targets a designated stage in the pipeline to activate the workflow when an opportunity card arrives.

For instance, if Confirmed is chosen in the Appointment pipeline, this filter will only activate the workflow when a customer moves to that stage.

After setting the filters, click the Save Trigger button located in the bottom-right corner to finalize your configuration.

📌NOTE: You can add workflow actions to automate tasks such as notifications, follow-ups, or account updates.

Once you’ve set up the trigger and its actions, Publish and Save the workflow to enable its functionality.

📌NOTE: To publish workflows, you will need to establish a workflow trigger and a workflow action. Without both, you can only save the workflow, not publish it.

By leveraging its customizable filters and automated workflow capabilities, teams can ensure timely responses, maintain pipeline visibility, and improve overall efficiency. With this trigger, managing and tracking opportunity transitions becomes a seamless process that enhances both productivity and customer experience.