Payment Settings for Invoices

Written By Lu Benavides (Collaborator)

Updated at August 28th, 2024

A big part of running a business is collecting payment, and one of the most common ways to do so is by sending invoices to your clients for them to fulfill the payment. You might be used to the common formula of creating Invoices, you add the client's and item's information and send it out.

But there are a few things you can set up in the system to make it easier on yourself and your customers when paying for those Invoices. To start go to the Invoices tab in the Payments section. Inside the Invoices Tab click the gear icon to access your settings.

Inside the Invoice Settings, we want to head over to the Payments Settings here we will find three settings we can modify.

Invoice Due Date

This will fill the due date in the created invoices by default, if you have a standard or legally required timeframe for your invoices you can avoid the hassle of setting up each time by doing so here. And, even though the due date can be changed directly in the invoice as needed the changes will only apply to that invoice.

Partial Payments

Partial Payments allow your customers to pay for portions of an invoice instead of limiting them to a whole payment while ensuring that you still have some control over how much. With this, you don't have to worry about receiving microtransactions enhancing client payment capture rates.

To activate it toggle the option on and set the minimum percentage you're willing to be paid each time.

When the invoice is sent the clients will be able to see a pencil icon next to the amount, upon clicking it they can edit the Amount to be paid.

đź“ŚNote: For recurring invoices, partial payment will only be available on invoices with auto payment disabled or the first payment of invoices with auto payment enabled.

Charge Late Fees

This option allows you to charge an extra percentage to customers for exceeding the payment due date. To learn how to manage it please check out the article “How to Set Up Late Fees on Invoices”.

Tip Payments

Tips allow your clients to show appreciation for your services and your business, which you can use as an incentive for your team.

To activate it toggle the option on and set the percentages you would like to offer by default.
When the customers are paying the Tip will be optional and they can quickly select between the provided options, add their amount, or None.

Finishing the Setup

Once you're happy with all those settings click the Save button. This will apply the changes to all invoices you send from that point onwards. You can always come back to this guide if you need to change those settings again.

And just like that you have saved yourself time and effort since these are global settings for your invoices that will not need to be redone unless your business policy changes.


Q: I can't view the changes/My invoices aren't being sent.

A: Check that a payment gateway is integrated. To check go to the Integrations Tab, if your payment gateway is connected it should say manage, otherwise please connect it before continuing.

Q: When refunding an invoice, do I have to refund the tip separately?

A: No, you can refund the entire invoice amount including tips.