Quick Filter

Written By Lu Benavides (Collaborator)

Updated at September 9th, 2024

Quickly manage your chats with ease by utilizing the Quick Filters button. This button is located to the right of the search bar and looks like a funnel. When you click on it you will see a variety of filter types relating to the contact's owner and latest message channel. This is especially helpful for sorting through a high volume of messages coming from multiple apps and users, making it easy to locate specific conversations or contacts in no time.

Filter Type

You can easily filter through your messages using any of these filters or one filter from each filter type

Assigned (Contact Owner)

  • My Chat: If you want to access all contacts you've been assigned to only, simply click on the "My Chat" Button.
  • Assigned To: You can view messages assigned to specific team members by clicking on the Assigned To button. When you click on the button, you will see a dropdown list of all of your team members. Simply click on one or more team members, then click on Apply to view the conversations assigned to them.
  • Unassigned: To view conversations that have not been assigned to a specific team member, click on the Unassigned button and then click Apply. Here you will be able to view all conversations that have not been assigned to a member of your team.

Last Message Direction

  • Inbound: The Inbound filter will show all of the latest messages that have come into your CRM on any messaging channel.
  • Outbound: The Outbound filter will show all of the latest messages that have gone out of your CRM on any messaging channel.

Last Outbound Message Type

  • Manual: This allows you to filter the messages that were sent manually.
  • Automated: If you want to access just your automated messages, click on the "Automated" filter.

Last Message Channel

In the "Last Message Channel", you can select any of the communication platforms you would like to access the contact's conversations. You can only select one at a time.

These filters allow you to easily and quickly separate conversations helping you cut through the noise and get straight to the ones you need to interact with, helping you streamline your process.