Section Templates & Global Sections in Blogs

Written By Laudonia (Collaborator)

Updated at July 18th, 2024

Blogs are a crucial component of digital marketing, enabling businesses to share valuable content, engage with their audience, and boost their online presence. This article will guide you through support for section templates, and global sections, explaining how they work and how to leverage them to create a cohesive and visually appealing blog.

Section Templates: Blogs support section templates, which can be used across funnels, websites, and blogs. This allows for consistent styling and theme application.

Global Sections: Global sections can be applied to a particular blog site for both the home page and other pages, ensuring uniformity throughout the site.

How It Works

  1. Navigate to Sites > Blogs: Go to the Sites section and select Blogs.
  2. Create a New Blog Site:  Create a New Blog Site and enter the necessary details, including domain and SEO settings. Alternatively, select an existing blog site to edit.


3. Utilize Section Templates: While editing, you can use section templates from funnels or websites to match the theme and styling inside the blog section.


Additionally, incorporate global sections that you have created within the blog site.

By utilizing these new blogging features, you can create a more cohesive, attractive, and functional blog. These enhancements not only improve the user experience but also help streamline your content creation process, ensuring that your blog remains a powerful tool in your digital marketing arsenal.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are section templates, and how do they benefit my blog?

  • Section templates are pre-designed sections that can be used across different parts of your site, including funnels, websites, and blogs. They ensure consistent design and save time in creating new content.

Q: How do global sections work for blogs?

  • Global sections allow you to apply the same design and content to multiple pages within your blog site. This helps maintain a uniform look and feel throughout the blog.

Q: What types of themes are supported in blogs?

  • Blogs support themes for buttons, social icons, images, and progress bars, allowing for a more customized and visually appealing blog.

Troubleshooting Tips

1. Issues with Section Templates Not Displaying Correctly:

  • Ensure that you have correctly imported and applied the section templates. Check for any discrepancies in the template settings.

2. Global Sections Not Applying Uniformly:

  • Double-check that you have selected the global section for all relevant pages. Sometimes reapplying the global section can resolve this issue.