Send Estimates Action

Written By Laudonia (Collaborator)

Updated at October 18th, 2024

The Send Estimate action enables you to automatically send personalized estimates to your customers in response to specific events, such as the creation of opportunities or transitions between stages. This ensures a seamless and timely delivery of estimates based on key triggers in your workflow.

To add this action to your workflows, go to the Automation tab and select Workflows in your account. From there, either choose an existing workflow or create a new one.

Configure the necessary trigger by selecting an option from the Trigger list.

Proceed to add an action and select the Send Estimate action from the available options.

Assign a clear, descriptive name to the action in the Action Name field for easy identification.

From the User dropdown, select the individual designated to send the estimate. This ensures that the appropriate team member is accountable for the communication, allowing for a more personalized touch in the interaction with the customer. 

Select the appropriate template to format the content of the estimate from the Estimate Template dropdown menu.

Choose Live for actual estimates or Test for trials within the Estimate Mode field.

Confirm your selections, and click the “Save Action” button to add the action to your workflow.

With this setup, you can ensure that estimates are sent automatically, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your business while maintaining high levels of customer engagement.