Set Up Fees in Recurring Invoices

Written By Lu Benavides (Collaborator)

Updated at August 1st, 2024

Table of Contents

One of the best ways to handle charging for subscriptions or repeatedly bought products is by sending a Recurring Invoice, they allow you to keep track of client payments and even automate the process. 

Usually on the first purchase of this kind of product you may want to charge a bit extra whether it be as insurance, to cover extra costs, or to open an account for the client. This is known as a set-up fee, you can quickly add them to your Invoices to keep track of the entire transaction in one place.

How to Add Set-Up Fees?

To start head over to the Products tab inside of your Payments section and click on Create Product.

Add the details as normal, continue to the Pricing section, and select the price type as recurring.

Set up the Amount, this will be the repeated charge for your customers.

Add the amount for the Setup Fee, when added to an invoice this will be charged to your customers on the first invoice and disappear in the latter ones.

Finish adding the product information and save it. Now to create the Invoice itself head over to the Invoice Tab, click the +New button, and select Recurring Template.

Fill out your Invoice as normal and add your product with the Set-Up fee.

Once added you will see two charges in your invoice, one for the product and one for the fee. Finish your invoice as normal, for subsequent ones, the Set-Up Fee will not be added.

There you have it! You can now add Set-Up fees to your recurring invoices, no charging them separately or running around the system trying to find the payment since it will be under the same invoice.