Setting Up an Affiliate Campaign

Written By Laudonia (Collaborator)

Updated at August 8th, 2024

 An affiliate marketing campaign typically consists of one or more configurations that determine how it flows from start to finish. This can range from a simple configuration, such as a single link, to a complex multi-step funnel with many moving parts.

The key to a successful affiliate marketing campaign is having the right configuration for your business and its goals. By setting up the right configuration, you can tailor the campaign to your target audience, ensure effective communication with your affiliates, and maximize your returns.

Creating a Campaign

To initiate the campaign creation process, click the "+Add" button located in the upper right-hand corner of your screen.


Campaign Name

Enter a distinctive name for this campaign in the Campaign Name field, which will serve as its identifier. By choosing a unique and easily recognizable name, you'll be able to quickly differentiate this campaign from others and efficiently manage your marketing initiatives.



Select the source from which the affiliate's leads will originate. 


For funnels or websites, ensure that they are linked to a domain. If you haven't linked your domain yet, you can do so on the funnel page.


View the preview of your affiliate campaign URL in this section. 



Choose the products that will show on which an affiliate commission is applicable.

📌 Note: The affiliate campaign can only be activated once the respective products and affiliates have been selected. You will not be able to publish a campaign until these requirements are met.

You can save an affiliate campaign at any time and return later to add affiliates and products or services.


Select “Next” to proceed to the Commissions section for campaigns utilizing a funnel or website as the source. Commission settings do not apply to forms, surveys, or calendars; therefore, this section will be bypassed if one of these is chosen as the campaign source.



The commission percentage refers to the proportion of each sale, expressed in percentage terms, that will be allocated as a commission to affiliates for their successful sales efforts. This predetermined rate ensures fair compensation for affiliates and provides a clear understanding of their earnings potential based on their sales performance.

If you have multiple products you can set customized commissions for each.


Affiliate Tiers

You can set different tiers for the same affiliate campaign, this system allows you to divide your affiliates into different earning levels.

Select the “Save” button to finalize the campaign details.


Campaign Description

In this space, you have the opportunity to provide a concise overview of the campaign's main objectives and elements. This brief description will help convey the essence of the campaign and allow others to quickly grasp its purpose and goals, ensuring clarity and effective communication.


Add Affiliate

In this section, you will be presented with a list of available affiliates that can be added to your campaign. Each affiliate will be assigned a unique link specifically designed to promote the affiliate program. 

Please note that an affiliate can participate in multiple campaigns simultaneously and will receive a unique affiliate link for each campaign. This ensures accurate tracking and attribution of their promotional efforts across various initiatives.


Email Template

Choose the email template for onboarding new affiliates from the template dropdown.


Choose the duration, in days, that the cookie will remain active within the lead's browser. This selection determines the period for which the cookie will store information and track the lead's activities, ensuring an optimal user experience and effective lead management.


Payout Frequency

The pay-out frequency option enables you to determine the specific time intervals at which payments will be issued to affiliates for each sale they generate. This customizable feature allows for better management of cash flow and ensures that affiliates are compensated according to your preferred schedule, fostering a healthy and productive partnership.


Set up Fee Additions

For any products with set-up fees, toggle the button for the option so you can include them in the commissions for your affiliates. This will be reflected in the total payout once processed.



Sub-Affiliate Customizations

For Campaigns with multiple affiliate tiers, you can configure the option to enable sub-affiliate signup forms. Additionally, you may choose to automatically enroll new customers as sub-affiliates. When enabled, new customers will be automatically registered as sub-affiliates under the affiliate who referred them.


The final step is to click "Finish" and select "Publish Now" to make your campaign active and ready. If you prefer to save the campaign without making it live, select "Save in Draft" to keep the campaign paused.

By following the outlined steps and ensuring all elements are appropriately set, you can effectively launch and manage a robust affiliate marketing campaign that drives growth and achieves your business objectives.