Settings: Phone Numbers

Written By Lu Benavides (Collaborator)

Updated at August 9th, 2024

Your phone number is more than a direct line to your company, it is a memorable part of your brand. It can help establish a stronger brand image and reassure your customers they are in good hands. In your CRM you can find the Phone Numbers section, dedicated to helping you acquire and manage phone numbers specifically for your business communication needs. These acquired numbers can be utilized for various purposes, such as making calls, sending text messages, or monitoring and tracking communication activities.

Manage Numbers

This is the tab where you can purchase and manage your Phone Numbers, as well as, Number Pools, and Verified Caller IDs.

Adding a Phone Number

Click on the + Add number and then select Add a Phone Number to purchase a new number.

This will open a pop-up window for you to select a number, which you can filter to your particular needs.

Phone Number Options

By clicking the three dots icon next to the phone number you can access the configuration options, these will be:

  • Number Info: This allows you to see the phone number details.
  • Set as Default number: To change the phone number used to call and SMS by default.
  • Edit Configuration: These are the settings for how it works, such as the forward number.
  • Delete Number: This will remove the phone number from our list.

Regulatory Bundle / Address

Here's where you can handle your phone number registration for users outside the United States or Canada.

Trust Center

Here's where you can handle your phone number registrations for users inside the United States or Canada. The Trust Center also provides products that improve brand recognition, such as your caller ID.

Messaging Analitycs

This section provides additional data and insight into the success of your SMS messages and campaigns.

Advanced Settings

The advanced settings allow you to modify how your phone number works.

Voice Calls

Here you can manage Voice intelligence and the settings for inbound calls

Voicemail & Missed Call Textback

Here you can manage the voicemail message your contacts hear when calling in, the automatic missed call text back, and their settings

SMS Compliance

To customize the SMS Customizations and Optout texts

Messaging Limit

Here you can view your messaging use and the total amount you can send within a monthly cycle.

Restriction History

Here you can review any issues or restrictions your messages have encountered.

Now, you know where to start to acquire and set up your phone communications. Even if you think the line will not receive any calls, having a contact line presents a level of support and credibility in your favor.