Stores Overview

Written By Lu Benavides (Collaborator)

Updated at July 24th, 2024

E-commerce stores allow you to bring your products directly to your customers where they are, with all the benefits of having a store without the added costs of a brick-and-mortar location.

Inside your CRM, you have a tab dedicated exclusively to those websites called Stores. Here you'll find all the websites you've created to display and sell your products and the place to create new ones.

Here you'll find all the stores or websites with store elements you've created, organized in a list to access, monitor, and edit as needed.

Filtering and Organizing.

You can change how you see the Stores listed. To start, by clicking on New Folder you can group pages to minimize clutter.

You can reorganize the listings based on the last created (1) or last updated (2).

Look for a specific store by entering the name in the search bar.


By clicking on the three dots icon you can access the action menu, here you can:

  1. Edit: This takes you to the pages for editing.
  2. Clone: Creates a duplicate of the Store
  3. Move To Folder: This allows you to quickly add the store to a folder
  4. Upload to Templates: This allows you to convert the Store into a reusable template
  5. Share: This opens a pop-up so you can copy the Store's link.
  6. Delete: To permanently remove the Store from your system

Creating and Editing Stores

To create a Store click the +New Store button, this will give you the option of starting from scratch or using a template to create your store, for more details on how to set your store up please check our article “Setting Up An E-commerce Store.”

To edit a Store access the pages by either clicking on the store's name or the Edit button from the actions menu. Inside the page view click edit to access the builder and implement your changes.

Moving Forward…

You have the bases covered about the Store Tab, to learn more about how to implement them and make the most out of your e-commerce please read the other articles in this category. Considering that your Stores allow you to concrete the sales, grow and globalize your business, and take your marketing to the next level with directly collected data we know it will be time well spent.