An e-commerce store brings your products directly to your customers, providing the convenience of online shopping without the expenses of a physical storefront. With your CRM, managing these stores is simple and efficient. The Stores tab is your central hub for creating, organizing, and maintaining online stores tailored to showcase your products.
To get started navigate to Sites > Stores.

Create Folder
Keep your Stores section neat and clutter-free by using folders. Click “Create Folder” to group your stores into categories, making navigation and management easier.

Create New Store
Click the +New Store button to begin creating a new store.

In the popup, you can create a store from blank or readily available prebuilt templates. Remember to name your store and select the “Create” button to continue.

The "Recent" option allows you to sort your store listings by recently created or updated stores.

Click on the “List” option to view your stores in a list format for a comprehensive overview.

Search for Stores
Use the search bar to easily locate specific stores by typing their names.

Stores Card
Here you'll find all the stores or websites with store elements you've created, organized in a list to access, monitor, and edit as needed.

- Store Name: The name of your store for easy identification.
- Status: This indicates if the store is live or in draft mode.
- Last Updated: This displays the date and time of the most recent edits.
- Number of store pages: This shows the total number of pages within the store.

By clicking on the three dots icon you can access the action menu, here you can:
- Edit: Open the store for editing, allowing you to modify pages, content, and design.
- Clone: Create a duplicate of the store for similar projects.
- Move To Folder: Organize your store by placing it into a specific folder.
- Upload to Templates: Save the store as a reusable template for future use.
- Share: Generate a link to share your store with others.
- Delete: Permanently remove a store. Remember, once deleted, it cannot be recovered.

Your e-commerce stores are powerful tools for showcasing products, completing sales, and growing your business. By using the features in the Stores tab, you can streamline management, maximize efficiency, and enhance your customer experience.