Updating the Sending Limit for a Sub-Account

Written By Lu Benavides (Collaborator)

Updated at February 19th, 2025

The sending limits set boundaries on the total Emails any sub-account can send out on a given date. This is used to help customers avoid being marked as spam and better manage their communications.

However, as they handle business operations, some may find the current limit applied to their sub-account insufficient. You can help your customers by updating the sending limit. Before starting, ensure the account isn't being used for spam activities. 

There are steps to follow when changing the Email limit for a sub-account:

Check Account Activity

First, review the sub-account's activity to make sure it's not engaged in spammy behavior. To have a quick overview in the Agency View, navigate to the Subaccounts tab and click Reports under the account you want to check.

This will give you an overview of their conversation metrics and contact engagement.

Once you've sufficiently assessed the Sub-Account, click Back to Sub-Accounts to continue.

Updating the limit.

Click the name of the account to update.

Switch to the "Advanced Settings" section. Here, you can increase the SMS & email sending limit.

Increase or decrease the email total, check the acknowledgment box then click Update Limit to save the changes.

For email, having a dedicated domain for the subaccount can increase the limit to 450,000 emails. This will help you resolve sending issues with your customer emails and mold the limits to fit their needs!