Adding Custom Values & Trigger Links to Messages

Written By Lu Benavides (Collaborator)

Updated at September 20th, 2024

When reaching out to your customers maintaining a personal touch helps build trust and grow brand loyalty, or you might need to add a link to track the contact's activity. However, this leaves room for making mistakes. Custom Values & Trigger Links allow you to add these details to your messages without spelling issues.

Adding Custom Values

Custom Values allow you to personalize the messages you're sending to your customers adding a caring touch to your communications that generates trust and brand loyalty, they also prevent spelling mistakes. To add them to a conversation click the “+” sign icon.

This will open the Custom Value menu where values are separated into categories.

For this example, we've selected the contact category. Once a category is selected you will get the options for available custom values in your account, in this case, we'll pick First Name.

This will add a code in brackets that will be replaced with the contact's information once it's sent.

Trigger links are designed to record when a customer has clicked them and start a response based on what and where a customer clicks. Just like with Custom Values to add them to a conversation click the “+” sign icon.

This will show you all the trigger links you have created for selection.

Once added this will add a code, like with a custom value, that gets replaced to the actual link once the message is sent.

Utilize Custom Values and Trigger Links to take your messaging game to the next level, this allows you to personalize your communications and add a familiar touch. If you'd like to learn more about Custom Values or Trigger links please check the articles “How To Use Custom Values” and “Trigger Links” as they have all the information from the creation point on how to use these tools.