Access Marketing Tab:
- Navigate to your marketing section within the platform.
- Within the marketing section, navigate to the snippets tab.
Review EMAIL-2 Email Template:
- Locate the "B-006-WF-1.2. EMAIL-2. Unable To Reach for call back" Email Template.
- Verify that the calendar booking page URL custom value is correctly referenced in the email content.
- If necessary, update the custom value to ensure it directs recipients to the correct calendar booking page.
Review SMS-2 Snippet:
- Locate the "B-006-WF-1.2. SMS-2. calendar link" snippet.
- Verify that the calendar booking page URL custom value is correctly referenced in the SMS content.
- If necessary, update the custom value to ensure it directs recipients to the correct calendar booking page.
Review SMS-3 Snippet:
- Locate the "B-006-WF-1.2. SMS-3. for call back [During Business" snippet.
- Verify that the calendar booking page URL custom value is correctly referenced in the SMS content.
- If necessary, update the custom value to ensure it directs recipients to the correct calendar booking page.
Test the Workflows:
- After making any updates, test the workflows to ensure that the calendar booking page URL is correctly referenced in the emails and SMS messages.
- Send test emails and SMS messages to confirm that the correct URL is being used.
Save and Publish:
- Save any changes made to the workflows.
- Publish the updated workflows to ensure the changes take effect.