Click Tracking for Email Campaigns

Written By Laudonia (Collaborator)

Updated at July 10th, 2024

Click tracking is a crucial component of modern email marketing, providing valuable insights into how recipients interact with the links embedded in your emails. By leveraging click tracking, marketers can gain a deeper understanding of user engagement, optimize content, and enhance campaign effectiveness. This guide will walk you through the basics of click tracking, its benefits, and how to utilize it effectively in your email campaigns.

What is Click Tracking?

Click tracking is a feature that allows you to monitor how recipients interact with the links in your emails. By enabling click tracking, you can:

  • Gain insights into the recipients who are engaging with your content.
  • Understand how your subscribers are engaging with your content. By knowing which links are being clicked and how many times each link is clicked, you can gauge interest levels and tailor your content accordingly.
  • Analyze which links are most popular among your subscribers. This can help you optimize your email layout and content strategy to focus on the most engaging elements.

Default Behavior

By default, click tracking is disabled in our system. If you wish to utilize click tracking for your email campaigns, you can enable it manually for each campaign.

How to Use Click Tracking

  1. Navigate to the Email Marketing Section: Access the email marketing tools in your platform from the Marketing > Emails section.
  2. Create a New Campaign: Set up a new email campaign or update an existing campaign and prepare it for sending.


3. Enable Click Tracking: Before sending the email, enable click tracking by toggling the switch.

Proceed with sending the email or scheduling it for a later time.

4. Access Campaign Statistics: After sending, click the three dots next to your campaign to view detailed statistics.


5. Analyze Click Performance: Select 'Click Performance' to review how each link in your email performed.


6. View Contact-Specific Click Details: Click on individual links within the report to see which contacts clicked on them and how many times.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does Click Tracking Work for All Campaigns?

  • No, click tracking does not work for RSS and A/B testing campaigns as of now. Our team is working on integrating this feature for these types of campaigns.

Q: Will Campaigns Executed Through Workflows Show These Metrics? 

  • No, click tracking is not supported for automated campaigns executed through workflows. This feature is currently available only for standard email marketing campaigns.

Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Ensure Click Tracking is Enabled: Verify that click tracking is enabled before sending your campaign. If it's not enabled, you won't be able to see any click performance data.
  2. Check Campaign Type: No. Click tracking does not work for RSS feeds, A/B testing campaigns, or automated workflows. Make sure you are using a standard email marketing campaign.
  3. Update Email Content: If certain links are not being clicked, consider revising your email content to make these links more appealing or repositioning them for better visibility.
  4. Review Timing and Frequency: The time and frequency of your email sends can impact engagement. Experiment with different schedules to see what works best for your audience.

By understanding and utilizing click tracking, you can gain valuable insights into your email campaigns, optimize your content, and ultimately enhance subscriber engagement. Use this guide to navigate the process and troubleshoot any issues that may arise, ensuring your email marketing efforts are as effective as possible.