Text Formatter Action

Written By Lu Benavides (Collaborator)

Updated at July 9th, 2024

Data comes in many forms, sometimes in numbers, sometimes in checkboxes that your customers selected, and sometimes that data is weirdly formatted text. Luckily you have an awesome tool at your disposal.

The “Text Formatter” Action lets you grab text from any field and change it to match your needs. There are a few options to cover so let's start by clicking the + sign to add the action, you can look it up by scrolling down to internal tools or looking for it in the search bar.

After clicking on it you'll have to select the Action type, these are how the text will be formatted. Among the actions it can perform we have:

Case types

These change the way the text case shows it consists of 4 options that once selected give you a small example of how the text will look.

  1. Upper Case: Converts all characters in the text to uppercase
  2. Lower Case: Converts all characters in the text to lowercase.
  3. Title Case: This capitalizes the first letter of each word.
  4. Capitalize: This capitalizes the first letter of the text.


Default Value: If the text you added is empty it returns it to the value you set as default.

Replace Text: Replaces occurrences of specified text with a new value.

Remove HTML Tags: Strips HTML tags from the text converting them into plain text.

Length reduction

Trim: Shortens the text to a specified length, this can remove characters from the beginning or replace the text after a certain point with ellipses.

Trim Whitespaces: Remove whitespace from the beginning and end of text.

Split: Splits the text into multiple segments based on a specified delimiter, the segment you select will be the new text in the field.

Length counting.

Word Count: Provides the count of words in the text.

Length: Provides the character count of the text.

Information retrievers:

Find: Locates the first occurrence of a specific text pattern within the text and returns its position.

Extract Email: Retrieves the first email address from the text.

Extract URL: Retrieves the first URL from the text.