Having a business Phone Number allows you to efficiently communicate with customers, and your CRM Number not only creates that bridge but allows you to personalize it to your particular needs further ensuring customer satisfaction.
How to Configure It?
To start head over to your Settings and open the Phone Numbers section, this should open the Manage Phone Numbers tab by default.
Of your desired phone number click on the Three dots icon to open the options and select Edit Configuration.
Here you can configure the Phone settings, this will be:
- Pass called number as Caller ID: This shows the number that you are calling as the ID
- Forward Calls To: This allows you to set up a phone number to redirect the CRM calls to
- Use your Verified Number as callerID for outbound calls: This shows your A2P verified number as the phone number.
- Enable Call connect Feature: This will ask you to press a key before connecting the call if you're responding on an external phone, for example, if you're redirecting the calls to your cellphone.
- Whisper Message: This message will be read by the robot voice to the redirect number.
- Call Recording: This will keep a record of the incoming and outgoing calls you have with the CRM phone number, you can add a message to be read for the customers to know they are being recorded.
- Incoming Call Timeout: This will be the amount of time in seconds that incoming calls should ring before going to voicemail.
- Outgoing Call Timeout: This will be the amount of time in seconds that outgoing calls should ring before the system hangs up.
- Ring Incoming Call to Selected Users: Here you can select the staff members you want incoming calls to be forwarded to.
When a user is assigned a phone number you can see it reflected at the top of the Phone Number settings. Clicking on View will redirect you to the section My Staff to handle the user phone settings.
My Staff - Call & Voicemail Settings
If a user needs a dedicated number you can set it by heading to the My Staff section under your settings, or when the phone number has been assigned to a user you can handle their settings here. Click the pencil icon next to the user you want to edit the settings of or assign the phone number to.
Head to the Call & Voicemail Settings section.
Under Inbound Number select the CRM phone number you want to assign to the user.
Besides assigning the phone number to a specific user you can also set:
- Forward Calls to: Here you can select the channel(s) you want the user to receive the calls in.
- Voicemail Message: This voicemail message will be played instead of the one by phone carrier when the user receives a call.