How to Print Shipping Labels & Packing Slips

Written By Lu Benavides (Collaborator)

Updated at August 16th, 2024

When fulfilling orders you want to ensure client satisfaction, and one of the most common pitfalls you could fall into is missing items during the packaging step. By creating the Shipping Labels and Packing Slips directly from the order you aid yourself in this process by ensuring everything is properly listed allowing you to fulfill orders easily and accurately.

How to Use?

Navigate to the Orders tab inside your Payments section.

Click the three dots icon next to the desired order then click View Order.

Inside the order, you can generate Packing Slips for Partial Fulfilment or the entire order. The generated labels will include:

  • Order ID
  • Order Date
  • Store Name
  • Shipping Address & Billing Address
  • Itemized List of Products with Variant Name, Product Images, and Quantities.
  • Sender's Address (Store Address)

Entire Order

Click the "Print Shipping Label" button to download a PDF with all order items.

If you partially fulfilled the order in the past the items will be separated into different pages for each fulfilment.

Partial Fulfilment

When fulfilling an order select the Items and Quantities you’re fulfilling then click the "Print Shipping Label" button to generate a shipping label for only those products.

This will download a PDF containing the details of only the selected items.

Your Shipping Labels & Packing Slips keep the information needed for the Shipping Carrier organized and easily accessible, simplifying your order fulfillment process. Now you’re ready to fulfill all orders coming your way and grow your business at ease.