Custom menu links enable users to quickly access external websites directly from their account’s sidebar, offering flexibility in organizing tools, resources, and other essential links within the interface. Arranging these links in a preferred order can streamline processes and make navigation more intuitive. This guide will walk you through the process of rearranging custom menu links to suit your team's specific needs.
How It Works
From the Agency Settings sidebar, locate the Custom Menu Links option. This section lists all custom menu links you have created. Click the Rearrange Menu Links option on the upper right-hand corner of the screen to access the reordering functionality.
In the popup modal, use the search bar to quickly find specific menu links within the list. Simply enter part of the link title in the search field, and relevant menu links will appear, allowing you to access or rearrange them more efficiently.
To reorder links, click and hold the menu link you wish to move, then drag it to your desired position within the list. This allows you to adjust the order of links, enabling easier access to frequently used pages. You can also use the buttons on the left side of each option to assist in repositioning links within the list.
To move links to the top or bottom of the list, open the actions menu by clicking the three-dot dropdown, then select your preferred option.
After finalizing the order, select whether to apply these changes across all accounts, to the agency view only, or sub-accounts and then click Apply to confirm.
With this feature, you can experiment with different arrangements based on your workflow and team feedback.