Math Calculation in Forms/Surveys

Written By Lu Benavides (Collaborator)

Updated at August 16th, 2024

Table of Contents

Calculations are a power tool, they give you an edge over the competition. They allow you to give estimates immediately, disqualify unfit candidates, and more. However, it can be time-consuming and complicated to deliver these results to your clients in real-time, and even worse having to reconnect with that client that may have lost interest.

By using Math Calculation in your Forms and Surveys you can use logic and formulas to provide immediate results based on the data entered by your customers. Helping you impress your customers, reduce waiting times, and make your process more efficient.

How to Use It?

Navigate to the Form/Survey builder inside the Sites section.

Inside the Builder, click the plus sign button to open the elements and select the Score element.

Drag and drop it into place and open the settings.

Switch to the Calculations tab to set the logic you want to follow.

Click Save to keep the changes, then click Preview to see real-time calculations as data enters.

And there you go, now you can offer real-time calculations directly from your forms and surveys. Enhancing the experience for your clients and allowing you to streamline your process by removing the need for you to reach back to your clients with results.