Opportunity Management

Written By Laudonia (Collaborator)

Updated at July 23rd, 2024

Access to detailed Opportunity IDs and comprehensive audit logs can significantly enhance how you track and manage your opportunities. By simplifying workflow processes and enabling faster recovery of critical data, these features empower you to operate with greater confidence and efficiency. Whether it's locating specific Opportunity IDs, navigating audit logs, or restoring deleted opportunities, these tools are designed to streamline your operations and ensure that your opportunity data remains accessible and recoverable.

Why It Matters

Simplify Workflow

Easier access to Opportunity IDs and audit logs allows you to navigate your opportunities with confidence and efficiency. This streamlined approach ensures that you can quickly find the information you need without unnecessary steps.

Faster Recovery

The ability to quickly restore deleted opportunities minimizes downtime and streamlines your workflow. This feature ensures that you can recover critical data promptly, maintaining the continuity of your operations.

Locating the Opportunity ID 

You can locate the opportunity ID directly at the bottom left of the opportunity dialog box. 

By clicking on the Opportunity ID, you are redirected to the audit logs for that specific opportunity, allowing you to track changes and updates effortlessly.


Effortless Opportunity Restoration

By selecting "Restore Opportunities," you can open the audit logs with deleted opportunities filtered, enabling you to quickly identify and restore any deleted opportunities.


These features unlock enhanced opportunity management capabilities, providing you with unparalleled ease in tracking and restoring opportunities. With these tools, you can ensure that your opportunity data is always accessible and recoverable.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where can I find the Opportunity ID? 

  • The Opportunity ID is located at the bottom left of the opportunity dialog box. Clicking on it will redirect you to the audit logs for that specific opportunity.

Q: What information is available in the audit logs? 

  • The audit logs provide detailed information about changes and updates to each opportunity, including who made the changes and when they occurred.

Q: Can I filter the audit logs by specific criteria? 

  • Yes, the audit logs can be filtered to show specific types of changes or actions, making it easier to find the information you need.

Troubleshooting Tips

Opportunity ID Not Visible:

  • Ensure you are viewing the correct opportunity dialog box. If the Opportunity ID is still not visible, refresh the page and try again.

Unable to Access Audit Logs:

  • Verify that you have the necessary permissions to view audit logs. 

Audit Log Filters Not Applying:

  • If filters are not working correctly in the audit logs, clear your browser cache and cookies, then reload the page.