Social Planner - Overview

Written By Lu Benavides (Collaborator)

Updated at September 5th, 2024

In this particular section, you can oversee your various social media platforms, enabling you to publish content on Facebook, Instagram, and even Google My Business!

Additionally, you can efficiently manage your posting schedule by utilizing the calendar feature, which provides you with a comprehensive weekly and/or monthly overview of your planned posts across all channels. This ensures a well-organized and consistent social media presence for your brand.

Depending on your user permissions, you may not have access to all of the components.

List Of Connected Accounts

Once you are done connecting your accounts, you'll be ready to start posting! To keep track of each one, you can find them listed in the three sections on the left side of the page. These three sections include a dropdown menu where you can toggle on and off social media channels, a connected socials counter box, and the accounts stats table. This allows for easy navigation and tailoring of content to reach more potential audiences.

Adding Accounts

To connect a new account click on the two triangles icon, this will open the list of currently connected accounts. In the list click Add Account

Select the desired account from the pop-up menu and login as usual to connect it.

Post Statistics

Here you can see the amount of likes, comments, and shares your posts have received. The statistics shown will be for the top-performing posts based on likes or recently published Posts.

Post Schedule & Planner

When you're ready to start scheduling your posts, click the 'Open Planner' button.

A calendar view will appear on your screen. Here you can assign social media posts to their respective days of the week or month and ensure they’re ready to be published on your page or group. Previously published posts will also be visible here, including the engagement they received.

Social Planner Settings

To manage the social Planner settings, click on the "Gear" button to make edits. Once you click on the Gear button, it directs you to the settings page where you can manage your social accounts and notifications.

Creating Posts

By clicking on +New Post you can create and publish posts for the connected accounts.

Viewing and Managing Posts

By scrolling down on the main page you'll find all your posts, even if unpublished, separated into different categories for you to preview, approve, and manage.

And there you have it! Now that you've got the basis down you can use your Social Planner to become a Social Media Superstar and keep an active, relevant, and fresh presence. If you'd like to know more about how to post to specific social media please take a look around this category!