Customize Holiday Names/Dates

Written By Laudonia (Collaborator)

Updated at May 28th, 2024

Modifying Workflow Actions

Edit Workflow Actions:

  • Open the B-013-WF-2.1. Country is USA -> Reset Holiday Names/Dates and B-013-WF-3.1. Country is Canada -> Reset Holiday Names/Dates workflows.

Find Holiday Name/Date Actions:

  • Locate the actions that set holiday names and dates.

Modify Holiday Names and Dates:

  • Edit the holiday names and dates to match the specific holidays celebrated in the country of your contacts.
  • For example, update "Thanksgiving" to "Canadian Thanksgiving" for contacts in Canada, or adjust the dates for Independence Day to match the respective national holidays.

Example: Customizing Holiday Cadences for USA and Canada

Workflow: Country is USA -> Reset Holiday Names/Dates

Edit Workflow:

  • Open the workflow triggered by the condition "Country is USA."

Modify Actions:

  • Locate the actions that set holiday names and dates.
  • Change the names and dates of holidays to reflect those celebrated in the USA.
  • Example: Change "Thanksgiving" to "Thanksgiving Day" and set the date to the fourth Thursday in November.

Workflow: Country is Canada -> Reset Holiday Names/Dates

Edit Workflow:

  • Open the workflow triggered by the condition "Country is Canada."

Modify Actions:

  • Locate the actions that set holiday names and dates.
  • Adjust the names and dates of holidays to match those observed in Canada.
  • Example: Change "Independence Day" to "Canada Day" and set the date to July 1st.

Testing and Activation

Test the Workflows:

  • Send test contacts through the workflows to verify that the holiday names and dates are correctly customized based on the country condition.

Activate the Workflows:

  • Once you're confident in the customization and testing, activate the workflows to ensure they run automatically for contacts matching the specified country conditions.