Whether you are starting your business, you began taking appointments or you are simply having a slow month there will be times in which your calendar is mostly empty, that is a normal part of business. However, since we are dealing with humans showing an empty calendar to your clients might create some distrust, they might wonder why no one is scheduling with you, or remove the sense of urgency when it comes to booking after all you have so many options.
With Look Busy in Calendars, this will not be an issue anymore. You can keep the appearance of a fully booked calendar without actually blocking any timeslots open for clients. That way, you can still offer options to them and keep them interested in your business.
How to Set it Up?
Go to the Calendars section and click on Calendar Settings.
Click the three dots icon of your desired calendar then click on Edit.
In the Availability window scroll down until you see Look Busy. Toggle Look Busy on and set the percentage of appointments you want to hide.
If you set the hide percentage to 50% and have 10 open slots, the clients will only see 5 as available until those 5 appointments have been booked from which point the system will show them the actual total of open slots you have.
Click on Save to apply the changes.
What Calendar Types Support This Feature?
You can use Look Busy in:
- Event Calendar
- Round Robin Calendar
- Collective Calendar
- Service Calendar
Enabling Look Busy in Calendars will fill out available slots until others are taken, giving you great optics making you appear In Demand, boosting your desirability, and improving your booking rate.